داستان آبیدیک

coaching psychologist


1 روان شناسی و مشاوره:: روان‌شناس کوچینگ

As coaching psychologists come from a diverse range of psychology specialties, SGCP consists of members from various disciplines, and it focuses on the application of psychology in coaching for enhancing well-being and performance in one's personal life and work domains (BPS, 2009b). The first publication to be produced was The Coaching Psychologist (TCP) (BPS-SGCP, 2009a). The SGCP is also continuing to engage with the British Psychological Society about the appropriate form of recognition for coaching psychologists. Pauline Willis chaired the initial group responsible for the development of standards of practice for coaching psychologists. Launched as an accreditation and certification body for coaching psychologists, the Society "will establish and maintain a register of accredited coaching psychologists, supervisors, trainers and consultants.

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